Zoning Code Portal eCode360

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East Troy's zoning code is chapter 510 of the municipal code and is organized in articles described below. The entire municipal code is posted online with eCode360©
Article I. Introduction and Definitions
This article includes the legal framework for the zoning code, including the authority for the regulations and a listing of the purposes the code is intended to achieve. Word usage, abbreviations, and definitions are also addressed.
Article II. Establishment of Zoning Districts
This article establishes the zoning map and the various zoning districts. Rules for interpreting zoning districts are also described.
Article III. Residential Zoning Districts
The article includes a description of each residential zoning district along with corresponding density, intensity, and bulk regulations.
Article IV. Business Zoning Districts
The article includes a description of each commercial zoning district along with corresponding density, intensity, and bulk regulations.
Article V. Industrial Zoning Districts
The article includes a description of each industrial zoning district along with corresponding density, intensity, and bulk regulations.
Article VI. Land Use Regulations
This article includes a number of tables that identify where land uses are allowed in the municipality. Land uses are grouped into a logical classification scheme.
Article VII. Density and Intensity
This article regulates the development potential of property to protect sensitive natural resources and enhance the desired community character of the village. A Natural Resources Site Evaluation Worksheet determines which areas of a particular site are considered natural areas, requiring protection.
Article VIII. Bulk Regulations
This article regulates the location and bulk of buildings in both residential and nonresidential developments in order to protect and enhance the desired community character. The provisions of this article interact closely with the density and intensity provisions in Article VII. 
Article IX. Nonconforming Situations
When regulations are adopted or amended, it is possible that existing development becomes nonconforming. This article describes how nonconforming situations are handled.
Article X. Overlay Zoning Districts
This article establishes overlay zoning districts wherein certain additional requirements are superimposed on the underlying standard zoning districts set forth in Articles II, III, IV and V of this chapter. Each overlay district is intended to address a special land use circumstance beyond those addressed by the underlying zoning district. Special requirements include mandatory protections against natural hazards, mandatory protections of valued natural resources, special design guidelines, and measures to ensure compatibility with airport flight operations. Each overlay district is intended to implement one or more aspects of the Comprehensive Plan and to ensure compliance with federal and state requirements. 
Article XI. Downtown Design District
The Downtown Design Overlay District is intended to implement the urban design recommendations of the Village of East Troy Comprehensive Plan by preserving and enhancing the aesthetic qualities (historical and visual) of the community and by attaining a consistent visually pleasing image for various portions of the Village. 
Article XII. Planned Development
This article includes regulations which govern the procedure and requirements for the review and approval, or denial, of proposed planned developments and to provide for the possible relaxation of certain development standards pertaining to the underlying standard zoning district (see Articles II, III, IV and V).
Article XIII. Performance Standards
The purpose of this article is to indicate the standards and minimum requirements for exterior site and building design, access, visibility, off-street parking and traffic circulation, off-street loading, exterior lighting, exterior storage, fencing, swimming pools, vibration, noise, air pollution, odor, signal receiving antennas, glare and heat, fire and explosions, toxic or noxious materials, waste materials, exterior construction material, hazardous materials, group and large developments, and outdoor wood-burning furnaces within the jurisdiction of this chapter. 
Article XIV. Landscaping Requirements
​This article establishes landscaping requirements and other regulations intended to preserve and maintain vegetation in a manner that promotes the natural resource protection, aesthetic, and public health goals of the village. 
Article XV. Signage Regulations
The intent of this article is to provide for and regulate the installation, design, and safe construction of signage within the Village of East Troy to ensure that signs are compatible with surrounding land uses, are well maintained, and express the identity of individual proprietors and the Village as a whole.
Article XVI. Administration
This article explains who is responsible for administering various parts of the code. Those involved include the Village Board, Plan Commission, Board of Zoning Appeals, and the zoning administrator. This article also establishes enforcement procedures and penalties for noncompliance.
Article XVII. Procedures
This article describes each of the procedures used in the administration of the zoning code. Steps in the review procedures are described along with any decision criteria. Common procedures include text and zoning map amendments, conditional use permits, temporary use permits, variances, zoning permits, occupancy permits, sign permits, and site plan review and approval.Application forms are posted on the Procedures page of this site.
Article XVIII. Floodplain Overlay District
This article establishes minimum development standards for areas identified as being in the 100-year floodplain.