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Agricultural service land uses include all operations pertaining to the sale, handling, transport, packaging, storage, or disposal of agricultural equipment, products, by-products, or materials primarily used or produced by agricultural operations. Examples of such land uses include agricultural implement sales, storage, or repair operations; feed and seed stores; agricultural chemical dealers and/or storage facilities; animal feed storage facilities; commercial dairies; food processing facilities; canning and other packaging facilities; and agricultural waste disposal facilities (except commercial composting uses, see Section 510-46B).
Districts Where Allowed
Districts Allowed as a Conditional Use: GI, RH-35
Vehicle Parking:
One space per employee on the largest work shift. (Notes: customer parking shall be provided based on land use; agricultural land uses are hereby made exempt from the surfacing requirements of Section 510-93).
Bicycle Parking:
Passenger Loading:
Merchandise Loading:
Development Requirements:
(1) Agricultural service uses shall not be located in, or adjacent to, an existing or platted residential subdivision.
(2) All buildings, structures, outdoor storage areas, and outdoor animal containments (pastures, pens and similar areas) shall be located a minimum of 100 feet from all lot lines.
(3) If within the Rural Holding (RH-35) District, agricultural service uses shall be located in an area which is planned to remain commercially viable for agricultural land uses.
(4) Once discontinued for a period of 12 months, agricultural service uses shall not be reestablished or newly established except with the granting of a conditional use permit and shall only be permitted in the Rural Holding (RH-35) or General Industrial (GI) District.