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 Applicant NameProcedureDescription
Follow Christopher WenzlerConditional UseOutdoor Storage for MP Systems, Inc./Pieper Power
Follow Brian PacholskiSite PlanSite Plan for an approximately 4,968 square foot commercial building for Hot Carts of WI, LLC for golf cart sales and service.
Follow Steve Lambrechts Planned Development District - General Development PlanAmend the general development plan for 2931 Union Street Planned Development district for property located at 2931 Union Street to allow retail sales in the portion of the church/school building previously used for church/fellowship hall activities, to allow office and personal or professional services in the portion of the church/school building that was previously a parochial school (main floor, second floor and lower level) and to add a multi-tenant monument sign
Follow Distribution Depot, LLCSite PlanApproximately 19,600 square foot warehouse addition to the RP Nutrients, Inc. building.
Follow Caitlin LaJoieConditional UseOutdoor display area
Follow Jason DupuisOtherPreliminary consultation for a conceptual plan for proposed development at 2031 Division Street
Follow Goodden ES20 LLC and ACG Development #4, LLCSign PermitPlan Commission review of new signage at Starbucks
Follow Samuel Bresler Site PlanChange fence between outdoor patio and the public sidewalk
Follow Goodden ES20 LLC and ACG Development #4, LLC (Jason Heinonen, agent)Certified Survey MapFour-lot certified survey map for commercial uses